Jaquar Geyser Dealers in Moga

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Jaquar Geyser Dealers in Moga, Punjab

Current Company : Jaquar. Change Company in Geyser
Current State : Punjab. Change State in Jaquar Geyser
Current City : Moga. Change City in Punjab for Jaquar Geyser
Current Dealers : SHAM LAL & CO.. Change Dealers in Moga, Punjab for Jaquar Geyser

Products available at shop / office :

Jaquar Sanitary Ware, Jaquar Geyser, Jaquar Water Heaters

All Jaquar Geyser Dealers in Moga, Punjab :

  3. SHAM LAL & CO.

Comments / reviews :

  1. Virpal from Makhu is Angryyy!Wednesday 20th of April 2022 09:38:22 AM

    Bogus and robbers

    The Aggarwal Sanitations guys have no sense how to treat customers and they just love robbing customers. We bought sink from them after lots of arguments about the price and the model, and lastly they given us the imported china made handmade sink in 6500rupees, which’s cost is not above 4000rupees. I do have receipt and everything for the purchase. I will be so please if they would be reading my comment. Because I wanna let them know I knew straight way what you did guys but my dad didn’t let me talk to you guys over and again. But I am also so pleased to let them know that their sink is just sitting in our front yard as a showcase, who ever coming to house and asking why it’s sitting there then we explains very well, and warning everyone in our area and nearby people to stay away from these people or should I say robbers!

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